What We Offer

The Stepped Care Solutions team is recognized for its clinical expertise, implementation skills, digital innovation, and leadership in transforming mental health systems. We created the Stepped Care 2.0© (SC2.0) model and have a deep understanding of its guiding principles, core components, and application across various contexts, platforms and populations.

Our team values diversity, local context, and the strengths, wisdom and capacity of individuals, organizations, and communities. Through collaboration with clients and the individuals and communities they serve, we co-design and implement responsive, coordinated, and sustainable mental health, substance use health, and addiction systems.

To support clients embarking on this transformative journey, we offer a variety of resources and services. Each differs in scope, formality, and cost. Using our proven model, we will work with you in your unique context through a customized combination of the following services:


Digital Innovation



Evaluation Services

Please contact us if your needs are not reflected in the list below.


We provide consultation and support in mental health system transformation. This service is based on implementation science and can include consultation on change management, co-design, evaluation, quality improvement, communication, digital innovation and engagement. With expertise in content and process, our team will assist you in understanding, planning for and achieving a purposeful and systematic change that is impactful and sustainable. This process remains flexible and contextualized to your local culture, history, resources, and needs.

For guidance, we also provide relevant resources and tools that are aligned with our practice-informed recommendations.

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Digital Innovation

We have developed extensive expertise in the co-development, delivery, and maintenance of digitally-enabled mental health system innovations.

Our flagship digital innovation is a virtual platform (web and app-based) which facilitates open access to a coordinated and comprehensive system of mental health resources and services. Key features of our portal, aligned to the SC2.0© framework, include the ability to self-monitor, a library of self-guided psychoeducation content, and access to a range of provider-delivered services, including peer support, counselling, and crisis response.

With expertise in co-design, clinical service enablement, product management, and mental health system transformation, our team will provide a supportive structure and the technology required to tailor and implement a portal at any scale – national, regional, and within institutional/organizational settings.


With our various subject matter experts, and based on your needs, we offer training to build capacity within your organization and community through a suite of SC2.0 asynchronous training courses and/or live, tailored training sessions.

SCS is currently offering open enrollment for workshops focused on One-at-a-Time (OAAT) Counselling – often called Single Session Therapy (SST). 

Please contact us if your needs are not reflected in the list below.

You can also visit our Learning Hub.

Asynchronous Training

A Brief Overview of Stepped Care 2.0

This course provides a brief introduction to the SC2.0 model, principles, and core components. It takes approximately 1 hour to complete. Learn more.

Introduction to Stepped Care 2.0

[Also available in French: Introduction au Modèle de soins par paliers 2.0]

This course provides a longer introduction to the SC2.0 model, principles, and core components. It takes approximately 3 to 5 hours to complete. 

Audience: Anyone interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the SC2.0 model.

One-at-a-Time (Single-Session) Counselling

[Also available in French: Counseling une séance à la fois (séance unique)]

This course introduces the One-at-a-Time (OAAT) Counselling approach and prepares providers to incorporate it into their practice. It takes approximately 3 to 5 hours to complete.

Audience: Primarily for mental health service providers, but also relevant for leadership to better understand the shift in practice that will need to be supported. Learn more.

Introduction to Data-informed Decision Making

This course introduces data-informed decision making (DIDM) in SC2.0, specifically, why data is used to support service users and service providers with decisions about care, and why it’s important. It also presents opportunities to leverage data to improve the care system. It takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. This is part one of a three-part series on DIDM. Parts 2 and 3 on DIDM for Service Providers and DIDM for Administrators will be available soon. 

Audience: Primarily for mental health service providers and leadership, but relevant for anyone interested in how data informs decision making in the SC2.0 model. Learn more.

Data-informed Decision Making for Service Providers

This course is the second module on data-informed decision making. The course builds on the introduction course by focusing on how data can be used to improve care and increase service satisfaction for both the service provider and receiver. It explores the use of data to promote person-centric care and collaborative decision making with people accessing services. This practical course is designed for a range of service providers from peer supporters to clinicians. It features video demonstrations of DIDM in practice and important considerations for integrating the use of data in services. [Note: Module 3 will be available in the near future. It focuses on DIDM for Administrators.]

Audience: Leadership, implementation team members, and partners interested in implementing data-informed decision-making.

Navigation in the Stepped Care 2.0 Context

This short course focuses on describing the function of navigation, using navigation practices to help people make informed decisions about their care, and planning to provide navigation services. It takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. 

Audience: Recommended for individuals who offer support, counselling, or therapy, or who may be able to support people looking for services. Learn more.

Live Training

One-at-a-Time (OAAT)/ Single-Session Therapy

[Also available in French: Session Thérapie USALF: Optimiser l’impact des conversations utiles]

This 12-hour training will reinforce the theory and practices in One-at-a-Time (OAAT)/ Single Session Therapy with practical examples of application. 

Audience: Mental health service providers who offer individual, couples, or family counselling sessions.

Prerequisite: One-at-a-Time (Single Session) Counselling asynchronous training.

Supervision Training for Effective One-at-a-Time (OAAT) Counselling

This 6-hour training will introduce participants to assumptions, knowledge, and practices of supervision that inspire effective One-at-a-Time (OAAT) Counselling relationships between service providers and service users. 

Audience: Supervisors and managers of mental health and community service providers.

Prerequisite: One-at-a-Time (Single Session) Counselling asynchronous training.


Our workshops are flexible and include various options for engagement and co-design.

We recommend taking the Introduction to Stepped Care 2.0 asynchronous training before attending a workshop. 

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SC2.0 Q&A

This workshop allows those just introduced to the Stepped Care 2.0 (SC2.0) model, principles, and core components to reflect upon and clarify their understanding of how it might be implemented in their context.

Populating the Model

This workshop series includes flexible options for discussion, engagement and co-design. Through facilitated discussion, trust-building, and hands-on activities, we explore the system’s current state and promote a shared understanding of local services and resources by engaging diverse participants – including service users. After validation, a short report maps the services along the nine-step continuum and presents strengths, opportunities, barriers, and recommendations identified during the workshop. These engagement sessions are a stepping stone to embedding ongoing co-design into implementation and beyond.

Stepping into Helping Conversations

This 3-hour workshop introduces participants to the concept of helping conversations that are grounded in recovery-orientation and One-at-a-Time principles. Participants will explore how assumptions influence our approaches to helping conversations and practice skills using a framework that guides a human-centred approach to everyday supportive conversations.

Audience: Anyone in a mental health system who interacts with people seeking support.

Strengthening Stepped Care 2.0 by Applying Implementation Science

This workshop is relevant at any stage of SC2.0 implementation. It draws from implementation research and best practices to strengthen model implementation. Goals will be defined before the session, informed by your project’s unique context and opportunities. 

Synergy in Stepped Care 2.0: Beyond Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Synergy workshops are tailored to meet the unique needs of each organization. At the core of SC2.0’s methodology is its approach to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice, rooted in the concept of ‘synergy.’ The term synergy in SC2.0 is intended to highlight the value of multi-level collaboration and the shared leadership required to advance diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice in mental health systems. By harnessing and leveraging the power of interconnectedness, we can address the impacts of colonialism, racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression that can be inherent in mental health systems. Collaboratively, we will problem-solve and work towards building restorative systems. Synergy workshops aim to help you challenge traditional ways of working that no longer serve your workers or consumers and leverage the healing resources and diversity already existent in your organization. 

Implementing One-at-a-Time (OAAT) Counselling in the Context of Open Access Settings

This workshop offers planning and implementation strategies for drop-in services where providers offer OAAT (Single Session) Counselling. This can be included in either of the other OAAT workshops or offered as a stand-alone

Peer Support in Stepped Care 2.0

This 90-minute workshop explains and situates peer support within a recovery-oriented, Stepped Care 2.0 system. Topics covered include the history of peer support in mental health and substance use health and how it has evolved into what we see today. Participants will also learn about how peer support fits within an SC2.0 model and see examples of its implementation in various settings, including health authorities and post-secondary institutions.

Evaluation Services

We offer several customizable evaluation packages based on the SC2.0 Evaluation Framework. Working together, we will develop a robust evaluation plan and protocol to help you gather the evidence for informed decision-making.

Our consultants will help your organization evaluate what matters most to you, whether it is identifying opportunities for improvement, demonstrating the impact of your programming, services, or system, or evaluating the sustainability potential of your innovation.

Our thoughtful and flexible approach to evaluation and research aims to promote equity, improve transparency and accountability, and help you maximize your return on investment.

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How to Reach Us

Not sure where to start? A member of our team would be happy to guide you. Please fill out the form below to get started.

You can also visit our Learning Hub.

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